The Terminology Your Advertisers Are Asking About

May 30, 2023

Terms to Know in Digital 

The majority of ad spend is going to digital. We want to make sure you’re growing in digital and don’t miss out on owning your niche and having the most robust advertising offerings in your industry. Our goal is to help you demonstrate the depth of your advertising; that’s why we want to answer all our most asked questions, so that you’re ready to own your market.   

Today, we’re helping with terminology. You’ll sound like a Jeopardy grand master once you “master” these terms 🙂 


The terminology your advertisers are asking about: 

Term: DSP  

What It Is: A Demand Side Platform, used to secure ad inventory on websites, apps, and media channels.  


Term: SSP  

What It Is: A Supply Side Platform, used by media companies to sell their remnant or unsold ad inventory to agencies, brands or other media companies.  


Term: PMP 

What It Is: A Private Marketplace, invite-only, private ad auction where publishers allow select advertisers to bid on exclusive inventory spots that will run on that media company’s website.  


Term: PG  

What It Is: A Programmatic Guarantee, when a media company and brand/agency/buyer negotiate a price and terms for inventory that’s reserved (guaranteed) for that buyer.  


Term: PD  

What It Is: A Preferred Deal, when a media company and brand/agency/buyer negotiate a price and terms for inventory that’s made available (optional) for that buyer.  


Term: OE  

What It Is: An Open Exchange, allows the media company providing inventory to set a floor price, meaning the lowest price they will take for their ad inventory. (Also known as open marketplace, real-time bidding, RTB.) 


Let’s make some sense of these terms by walking through it.  

Is the inventory available for auction?  

If yes, and it’s not available to the Public, it’s a Private Exchange (PMP).  

If yes, and it is available to the Public, it’s an Open Exchange (OE via DSP). 


If no, and the inventory is not guaranteed, it’s a Preferred Deal (PD). 

If no, and the inventory is guaranteed, it’s a Programmatic Guarantee (PG).  


Now that the terms are making sense, let’s double down on selling your audience. We stress owning and selling your audience because that is what buyers want from you! There are many ways you can sell your audience.  

For instance, you can publisher site retarget by remarketing to your readers on behalf of your advertisers by including your PIXELED site audience in every campaign.  

You can use email to device ID targeting to convert your list for use with both paid social and programmatic campaigns.  

In addition, addressable geofencing allows you to create another, custom 1st-party audience by using your subscriber, event registration and other physical addresses.