Digital is Absolutely Lighting the Way

Feb 20, 2023

Watch our in-depth webinar on digital, here!

That shining light on the horizon is digital. January Spring is optimistic for our partners, as we look ahead to 2023 revenue and growth.

Working with hundreds of media companies across the US, we have the pulse on what’s happening. Many publishers have told us that 2022 was a good year. Maybe not a great year, but a good year. Revenues were up. Advertisers liked the results of their ad buys. Yet profits were down due to struggles with expense volatility, especially with paper, postage, and shipping.

Enter 2023.

Our publishers are earning meetings and closing contracts, with digital leading the way. A combination of print, your own digital, and January Spring tools are the perfect mix to help you shine this 2023. January Spring is here to help you establish these multi-media programs so that you shine bright. We want to remind you what is possible and help you push digital revenue as this year’s growth channel.

What the market is saying in 2023:

  1. Advertisers want niche targeted audiences. They know the best way to reach their ideal customer is through your media outlets.
  2. Media consumers are seeking out digital platforms first.
  3. You are in an enviable position in your market, with a unique ability to bring your readers and advertisers together. January Spring will help you position your publication’s brands as the way to connect them.

Programmatic digital display ad spending is projected to be $115.23B. That forecast accounts for 90.2% of the digital display ad market. Why? People are spending roughly eight hours a day in digital channels. Brands know to go where the shoppers are – digital.

The standout stat: seven out of 10 dollars will be spent on digital this year, according to Borrell Associates. In a competitive marketplace, it matters where businesses deploy their marketing dollars. We know that media consumers are seeking out digital platforms first. The more channels you show up on, the better your reach.

When we say add new channels, we are talking about adding additional channels to help your advertisers be where your readers are spending time. They spend 18-40 minutes with your brand. Let January Spring help ensure your advertisers are still in-front of those readers when they aren’t spending their time with your brand.

Sell across all media channels to reach consumers everywhere they go. For example, video games do not just encapsulate the younger audience, middle aged women make up the majority of those who play games on mobile devices. It’s best to assume a little from every demographic is on each channel and then set yourself up for success on those channels that are bound to help you grow whether it be Facebook, Instagram, websites, or streaming tv. Those will be avenues that focus on frequency, reach, and awareness which is what you need to reach your consumers.

To increase reach, you must be in view. Did you know over 25% of Google searches result in no click? This is because Google chooses to crawl websites and give the result to consumers right away, taking away from your own clicks. Google wants people to stay on Google, which means to stay relevant your advertisers need to be well optimized from an SEO and sponsored content perspective, as well as have a good website refresh when necessary.

Apart from refreshes and attempting to stand out in innovative ways, some old ways aren’t going anywhere. Emails continue to show great reward! The average ROI from email marketing that an advertiser can earn is $36 from every email they send. Emails are just another valuable interaction with performance measurability that helps drive thoughts and eyes to your brand.

Our last tip to make it a bright year is to lean into your evergreen contracts, those that don’t ever expire! We also encourage making all contracts automatic. Make it understood that your sale is not based on running a single campaign but rather a longer string of ones that will provide growth. This way, you are connected for at least a year and performance can be tracked and improved better.

We are excited to see your value show through and your digital accomplishment grow. It’s time to embrace performance where it counts; and digital is everything.