Let Them Use Cookies

Sep 8, 2021

As promised, we are keeping you up to date on the cookie apocalypse. We anticipated things would change, and they have!

As a reminder, in mid-March, Google decided to phase out cookies by 2022. More specifically, the Chrome browser was no longer going to allow cookies that collect user behavior data. We break down the different types of cookies in our first update

However, due to concerns from advertisers and regulators, Google says it’s delaying its plans to phase out third-party cookies by late 2023. 

“While there’s considerable progress with this initiative, it’s become clear that more time is needed across the ecosystem to get this right,” says Chrome privacy engineering director Vinay Goel.

Don’t worry, Cookies aren’t the only way

Although we may have more time to enjoy Chrome cookies, it seems that inevitably things will change. Not to fret, cookies are not the only way to identify a user and their interests. The technology we expertly know and implement everyday leverages cross-device targeting. Meaning, what you do on one website or device, can carry over to your other devices. Every website and app will have its own identifier for users. Now more than ever, this technology used to buy, optimize and deliver ad campaigns is crucial.

That’s how we get the message out to the right person and doesn’t involve cookies in any way. 

Enough about cookies for now! Regardless of when this change will happen, we feel confident that we have the tools and knowledge to continue building, serving, and optimizing successful campaigns.