Charity Huff, our CEO, recently did a virtual hang out with our friends over at Data Joe. Johnny Levy, Data Joe’s CEO, suggested a fun interview between the two of them.
Here are some of our favorite highlights from their conversation. Or, watch the interview on our YouTube channel or on our Facebook page.
I’ve spoken with a lot of people in the field. And I think many publishers would say that they, they are having varying levels of success with the lists. But most would say there’s probably room for improvement. I’m working with partners in the industry, to have them come alongside our publishers and help you raise revenue from list 25% 30%.
We are a digital agency that works exclusively with publishers to help them take digital off-site services to market. A lot of people know that as programmatic advertising or geofencing, that’s our core bread and butter. Our team is made up of sales and marketer professionals; what we really love to do is help our publisher partners learn how to take digital to market: pricing, package, training, and ride alongside so that they become comfortable with it. It becomes a natural part of your offering.
And there is certainly some synergy between the two of us. There is an opportunity to overlay those digital products and create additional revenue, on top of print.
Additional revenue and certainly additional value through expanded exposure for your Top Doc, your Top Lawyers. Yes, there is a lot of opportunities.
I see what you’re doing there. You’re taking it right back to value…to the client.
What are some of the digital products that should be marketed to winners in these lists? What digital products should be included in the packages?
We are big fans of Ryan Dohrn, so you’ll hear me use some of his terminologies. And one of the things that I think he does right in his sales approach is that you need to help these Top Docs, Top Lawyers reach their target clients and patients, leveraging your brand in multiple ways on multiple days. So that whole multimedia approach, where they get exposure:
- In your print magazine.
- They get exposure through your digital magazine.
- In your Top directory, profile or listing.
- Off-site retargeting.
Additional exposure to your subscribers by doing things like site retargeting pixel from their profile on the magazine website so that that doctor, that professional, gets the benefit of having your readers and subscribers see them over and over again across the web.
I live here in Denver and read 5280. They can remarket to me, their reader, while I am spending time on my desktop, or on my mobile phone, whatever I may be doing to the course of the day on the web. If I see that attorney, and his name, and his brand, everywhere, both the attorney and I are going to know that was a direct result of being part of Top Lawyers in 5280. There’s tremendous value in extending the exposure, extending the reach of that audience off-site. And so that’s where I would add us into those programs.
I’m going to have you elaborate on that a little bit. And part of it is, I’m going to translate it for myself because I’m not familiar with your industry and what you do. What I hear is, you’re trying to help the person who has made the list, right, who’s been selected on the list. Typically the most profitable lists are doctors and lawyers. You want them to be able to get the best possible mileage out of Top listing. The thing about the list is it creates an ability for that professional to differentiate themselves from other professionals.
I’m not just a lawyer, I’m a top lawyer, as selected by my peers. I think what you’re saying is, you want the context of being a winner of the list to be repeated out into the market, right? Whether it’s readers or not readers, is that are you getting outside the realm of just subscribers?
That’s exactly right. You’re saying it perfectly. So site retargeting would be one way to make sure that those readers and subscribers get more exposure to Top Docs and Top Lawyers. Then we can also layer on geo-fencing and keyword retargeting, so you can then reach non-subscribers to the magazine. And, the added bonus is that a lot of times, that advertisement is going to include the Top Doc banner and branding from the magazine. So, then the magazine also gets additional exposure for the list. So it’s kind of a total Win, Win!
Between your company and my company, we’ve got them covered. And we can help them smartly take this to market and be super savvy about it without having to know all the details of digital. That what you guys know and that we at Data Joe know. Because we can help you package it, learn the sales lyrics, how do you present it.
The reason you and I choose to spend our days working with publishers is that they have amazing brands. They are so well recognized in their community and well respected. So when you lead with that, then the rest of this is just helping to bolster that particular relationship and the reputation that the magazine.